The ALTEC (Advanced Learning Technologies in Education Consortia) division of KU’s Center for Research on Learning recently hosted a Summer Technology Camp. The camp served as a meeting point for educators across the state to discuss, share and experience technology-related education practices. The full-day camp experience included 19 educational sessions, opportunities to meet and learn from representatives of Apple, Inc. and Alexander Open Systems (AOS) and exposure to fellow educators interested in ed-tech.
“ALTEC resources, consisting of educational games, web-based instructional resources and scalable online quizzes are accessed more than a million times a month. The ALTEC professional development providers address the challenges of enacting technologies in the classroom through on-site professional development, instructional coaching and program support. Serving as one of the eight strategic divisions of the CRL, ALTEC’s mission is to design, develop and evaluate the effective use of educational technologies in K-12 instruction and to use evolving telecommunication technologies to connect and engage learners.”
The concept for a technology camp was originally conceived in 2011 and aimed to focus on mobile learning for K-12 educators. It was expanded to include the KU faculty in 2012. As the learning needs of area educators continued to evolve due to advancements in technology, ALTEC recognized the increasing need to address advanced professional development opportunities related to technology and broadened its area of focus accordingly.
ALTEC and the University of Kansas’ School of Education intend to bring educators another Summer Technology Camp in June 2015. To read more about the camp, click here.